Dedoose Blog


Dedoose Mixed Methods And Qualitative Research Software Version 1.2.18


We just released the first public version of Dedoose 1.2 (1.2.18 technically) which has been in development for quite some time.  The major feature is memo system allowing mixed method and qualitative researchers alike to create memos and notes about anything and everything. These memos can be linked to Documents, Excerpts, Codes, or Descriptors, or just left as free memos.   The memos come along with a memo folder system for helping organize these memos.    Each memo can be marked as private, shared and read only, or shared and editable.   We’ve been listening to a lot of requests regarding the memo system from grounded theory researchers and other similar researchers on their workflow in using memos and we really hope we’ve found a best fit that meets all your needs.    So give it a try and let us know.    We should be pushing out a video later this week that walks through the new memo system in great detail.      Thanks to all our other researchers using Dedoose that submitted feature requests and bugs, we hope we nailed them all.

Next up:  Memo exporting, Chat System, Dynamic Excerpt Text Loading (should improve large project load times dramatically, forgot password page, and more)!

The Dedoose Team
